أخر الاخبار

Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada chapter 14

13 Chapter 


Anaconda Island 

Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada chapter 14

 Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada

 chapter 14

Antoine started running in the opposite direction of the turtles and they actually followed him, and when they got away, Alice grabbed a large branch and started digging around the branches from the outside, and Elizabeth helped her, while Tina grabbed the empty clay pot and went to the ocean to fill it and throw it back into the hole, but the hole was drinking water over time and came back dry, so They stopped digging, and after two hours Antoine returned, but he came back from inside the forest, and when he found that they had not dug, he understood from the look of the wet sand that the sand had drunk water, but after his breathing calmed down, he said

"Rest assured, they will not come back. I left them many meters away, eating something huge, whose identity I do not know. I entered the forest and returned from a faraway place. They did not notice me. By the way, I brought some fruits and vegetables."

The girls laughed and Alice said, “I don’t know who else we would do?”

Elizabeth said, “While you were running, I caught some fresh fish and put them in the clay pot filled with seawater so that they would stay alive for a while.”

Antoine sat down and said, "How did you catch fish without a rod?"

“I used your mesh shirt,” Elizabeth said, laughing.

Antoine shouted, "Shit, what am I going to wear when I change?"

"Don't shout," said Alice, "he's out there drying."

Antoine spread his body over the sand and then said, “I will sleep for a little while until they return so I can stay up at night for protection.”

Tina said, "Yes, you sleep and we will swim a little. Come on, girls."

Antoine got up and said, “What? You swim alone, it won’t happen.”

The girls quickly got into the water, so Antoine took off his shirt and then quickly joined them in the water.


   Clark went ahead and let everyone explore the place on the first floor. Then he used the stairs and went up to the second floor. He found it looking like a small garden but inside a large cage or several overlapping cages. There were also many doors, some closed and others open, or in other words, removed from their place. He whispered.

"How strong is that thing to remove steel door bars?"

Clark tried to look for any key to light the place, as the entire second floor was as dark as night, but he could not operate the keys, so he returned outside the floor after he felt something moving in the darkness, then he went down to the floor and squirmed again and said.

"Raymond, do you have a map of that place with you?"

Raymond answered, “No, it is clear that the grandfather did not enter here because the only map I have reaches this place from the outside only.”

Mary said, “A building like that certainly has a room or someplace dedicated to the building’s interior maps, electricity maps, and maps of emergency exits. We just have to search, but where? The place is huge and very spacious.”

Mark said, “There is an elevator door there, but the strange thing is that it indicates ten floors, and the building appears to only have two floors.”

Clark said, "It is one floor and a forest garden on the second floor. I advise you not to go up. There is something dark above."

said Mary, who had moved some distance away from them, wandering between the offices on the first floor

"Come on, I think you should see this."

The three went to her and stood looking where she was looking, then Mark said

“Don’t tell me that this room is nothing but a large refrigerator to store samples.”

Clark looked at the side of the room, which is a corridor between the room and another side of the stairs, then he said

“I think the electricity control room is over there.”

Clark moved, followed by Mark, while Mary and Raymond entered the broken refrigerator room, from which it became clear that whatever was in it had come out or had been destroyed due to the lack of electricity, but after a few minutes, Clark was able to fix the fault and the entire place was illuminated, and the computers began to work automatically and the display screens in Work, but what offered to stop the blood flowing through their veins, were the recordings of the last day of that laboratory.

Mary hurried to the nearest computer, then turned off the devices and returned the recording time to the first recording available on the network system. The four young men gathered and sat in front of one of the screens, watching what was shown.

(“Registration Events”))

Good morning or evening, wherever you are, depending on your presence in all parts of the world. I know that not all of those who follow the laboratory recordings understand the Arabic language, so the translation in the special language of the recipient’s reference will appear at the bottom of the screen. Today is the tenth day after six hundred days for us here on this island isolated from humans. Which concerns scientific experiments on the process of cloning or merging DNA from most animals with each other, as well as with some samples discovered by archaeologists of extinct animals, birds, or even fish and insects. We have already achieved remarkable success in creating new forms of life that bear common genetic traits and characteristics from All of these creatures, and not just what I mentioned, but the scientists here were able to create plants that carry genetic genes from those animals that have been extinct for centuries, and we will shortly show you successful examples of those experiments, but first, you must know that today is also the fifth day after four years to start the same. Experiments on humans, of course, this is illegal and is being experimented on one of the most dangerous criminals with eternal sentences in the world, but of course, for the issue to be humane, these criminals have voluntarily agreed to be subjected to these experiments, or this is what their security official informed us of, in any case, It must be acknowledged that many of these experiments on humans have failed, and caused the death of many human mice, but the surprise is that the experiment was successful with only three out of hundreds of people.

Now let us first walk around inside the refrigerator of hybrid embryos, and as you can see we have here the best scientists from all over the world, and this gives you confidence that we are making every effort so that we can extract environmental and human weapons that cannot be easily eliminated, but we can control them. Look with me here. There are hybrids between cats and foxes, and some cells for human intelligence, and more than one DNA of different species has been integrated into them, such as the tiger, the chameleon, and the marine octopus. We will certainly explain the results later. Here, too, there is a hybrid embryo between the falcon, the eagle, and the scorpion, and all of these nurseries contain species. Many different hybrid embryos, but let's leave them to their work and head together to the second floor to see what those embryos will become one day.

The recording moved to the second floor, and here another group of doctors appeared moving in and out inside that miniature forest. Then the scientist holding the camera turned to his face and said:

Here, gentlemen is a miniature natural environment so that we can give room for a natural life to the hybrids, and you can also train them and deceive them according to human orders. We will wander together between safe corridors inside that forest. There is still work to impose control on some of those animals, especially those that can speak or find a way to communicate what they want. It enters the mind of whoever you look at, so I must put on those glasses that protect me from it penetrating my mind, and you must thank God that they cannot control your minds by looking at the cameras, and now I will reverse the camera’s perspective so that you can see what I see.

The doctor raised his hand near the glasses, and then what appeared on the screens turned into an entrance to a miniature forest. Greenery and small trees were spread on both sides of the corridor. When looking at them, a person feels that he sees nature restricted between iron cages. Many people in medical clothes were moving between the corridors. The doctor stopped in front of one of the cages and continued to wander with the camera between the trees until the hot shadow of the body of what looked like a mosquito but was the size of a canary appeared through the cameras. The doctor pressed something on the side of the camera and it became clear. Seeing more than hundreds or even thousands of these things covering trees and huge stones that resemble the shape of a small mountain, then the doctor said:

"I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Youssef. Now what we see before us is a hybrid made up of several birds and insects. He also has genes from the chameleon. He can imitate nature in color to hide from the eyes of his enemies. What distinguishes him other than imitation is that he can absorb the blood from his prey after An anesthetic is infused into it to paralyze it for not less than five minutes through a small syringe similar to that found in mosquitoes. This anesthetic does not deprive it of its chance to live, it only paralyzes its movement. It is also characterized by the presence of hooves at its ends resembling sharp knives, which give it the ability to cut and extract meat. The hybrid is a carnivore that sucks all the blood from the body of its prey. It lives in groups and can reproduce monogamously, that is, it does not require the presence of a sex. It can reproduce but at specific times of the year. Our scientists have managed to control this within the body of the first hybrid that was created, and it is active. only at night"

Doctor Youssef pointed to a person standing a little away from him, and the place changed from widespread daylight to night. The doctor also set the camera to night vision mode, and after moments of silence, one of the doctors pushed a deer into the cage and then closed the door automatically. The mosquitoes began to fly in a regular order, which struck fear in the heart of the deer. It tried to run and find a place to hide but to no avail. The mosquitoes attacked it in successive groups. Then, after several seconds, the deer’s movement was paralyzed, silence prevailed, and the movements of the mosquitoes over the deer’s body calmed down, which led to the deer disappearing for a few seconds. Then the mosquitoes appeared. By simulating the body of the deer and disappearing from view, what became clear in front of the cameras was the motionless, stationary deer. After a few more moments, the appearance of the deer changed into a skeleton of bones without flesh or blood. Then the mosquito rose into the air, leaving the skeleton of bones on the ground, and turned around, trying to attack the doctor, but as soon as he approached, he collided with a transparent wall of electricity, was shocked, and walked away. The doctor spoke, saying

“Do you see that electricity does not kill mosquitoes, no matter how powerful it is, but it causes them pain? The sense of pain was implanted inside the cells of that hybrid insect. Of course, it was necessary to introduce a common weakness among all hybrids, which is the fear of fire, which causes certain death for them.”

Youssef pointed to the same doctor, so he pressed a switch attached to the wall of the cage, and the night mode changed to the afternoon, so that the mosquitoes dispersed around the trees, rocks, and the ground, imitating anything they stood on and returned to a stationary position. Then Youssef moved again for a distance of four or five meters, then stood next to him. Another cage, but it looks like a huge aquarium. Whoever sees it thinks that he has entered a submarine and reached the bottom of the ocean, where there is coral spread and the view of the bottom is very beautiful and very quiet and silent. Doctor Youssef looked inside between the sand and the hull of a ship that was laid out like the shape of a sunken ship. It was The situation inside the fish tank when he saw that it was empty and there was nothing in it, the doctor pressed a button on the camera to reveal a huge thermal body with the head of a jellyfish and the body of an octopus with those eight arms and huge tentacles.

  Doctor Youssef said, “Of course, everyone knows that the bottom of the ocean is dark and extremely cold, and there are some places to which humans cannot descend. Of course, no one knows what is at the bottom, or this was the case in the past. This hybrid can withstand the most extreme cold temperatures and adapt its body according to the degree of coldness of the place.” Several cameras have been implanted under the skin of the eight arms so that we can see the depths, with cameras also implanted in the creature’s head. The advantage of this creature is that not only can it descend to the depths and devour any other creature, regardless of its size or ferocity, but it is also an amphibious creature, that is, It can rise to the surface and climb ships or attack those on them. Of course, after we directed him, we put in place some devices to control them via direct commands from the creature’s brain to his limbs. One of his weak points is that he does not like being alone. If he loses his companion, who is always together, he may devour himself. But some throw all their anger at any moving object close to them, and of course, the second weak point inside the water is the things that are coated with black asphalt, as that substance causes general paralysis and then death if touched with the tentacles.”

The doctor moved the camera a little until something appeared with a head resembling that of a shark with sharp teeth, but the body resembled that of an octopus

Doctor Youssef said, “This is the female and the male’s companion, and she also cannot live without her companion, with the difference that if she loses him, she will destroy everything around her. But she can mate with a shark or another octopus, and she can even mate with her son. By the way, in any of the mammals, that is, she gives birth.” They do not lay eggs, and upon carrying them, they give birth to five to ten small creatures. Look there, next to the father, there are somewhat small thermal bodies. They are the children of that hybrid, so there is only one of them in the nurseries. We take him to implant cameras in him.”

The doctor moved a few meters, then stood in front of a cage that resembled the nature in which lions, tigers, and other similar predatory animals live. There, next to a miniature riverbed, stood a very large animal that looked like a horse, but it had the head of a falcon, wings, a scorpion’s tail, and four feet that resembled a lion’s feet. It also had fur covering it. His body resembled the fur of a polar bear, this hybrid was looking at the water expectantly, and behind him, a few steps away, ten people like him were sitting on the ground on the grass, enjoying the sunshine in peace.

The doctor said, “This is Caesar, a hybrid of the most dangerous predators. He has no mercy on his prey and leaves it torn apart, or what remains of it becomes small pieces that even the bones of his prey he grinds. However, he tends to eat fish, but let us see what he would do if a human appeared in front of him.”

Youssef pointed to a group of doctors standing next to a cage that was closed and covered so that what was inside was not visible. The mouth of the cage was connected to the wall of the large cage of that hybrid. The doctors began hitting the cage from the sides. Then he pressed on an iron motor lever, and the back of the cage began to press inward to push what was inside. The cage towards the force slowly opened. After a few moments, a group of men with fat bodies emerged 

from that cage, as if they were feeding them so that they would become prey for that hybrid.

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