أخر الاخبار

Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada ch 22

Chapter 20 


 Anaconda Island 

Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada ch 22

Anaconda Island by Asmaa Nada 

Chapter 22

Tina said

"He is her little brother and she blames him for not leaving with the others. Her brother only answers by pointing because he does not speak or listen and says that he will not leave her and that their family is wrong for leaving her here as a sacrifice to the anaconda. He is her only brother and he must protect her."

Mark said, "How did you understand what they were talking about?"

Tina said, “I understand sign language because my mother does not speak or hear.”

Raymond said, "You can ask her name by pointing."

Mary said, “Her name is Ocean, and she is from an island adjacent to this island, and the people of the neighboring islands take turns bringing offerings here every month so that the monsters of Anaconda Island do not attack the neighboring islands.”

Mark stood looking at the trees and said, "Why didn't the others come back?"

Raymond got up and stood next to him and said, “We put the branches there until they come.”

Alice appeared running from between the trees and screaming

“Mark, hurry up, you have to help Antoine.”

Mark hurried towards her and after he reached her she said

“Antoine is fighting a hugely built person with a body resembling a snake and eyes like red emeralds. He was gigantic, then he shrank in size and became the size of Clark, but Antoine fights him forcefully near the lake that is filled with blood and deer heads.”

Mark said, “Go and sit with them. Try to spread the branches there, and I will go to him.”

Mark moved until he reached the lake, and Clark was attacking that creature and stabbing him with a knife, while Antoine was attacking from the front, holding the arm of the creature, which was standing, relying on the muscles of its body like a snake, and digging its feet into Antoine’s body. Mark attacked and hit the creature’s foot, which screamed in pain forcefully and then moved. With his body and pushed them all away from him, then he stood looking at them and laughed loudly and then said

"I will kill you one by one as I did to others. No, I will enjoy your screams of torment for days. I will not have mercy on anyone as they did not have mercy on my beloved and killed her. I am the anaconda. I am the legend of horror."

That creature quickly hid among the trees, while Antoine fell to the ground, bleeding from many places in his body, Clark said.

Mark helped me place it on the wooden bed next to Elizabeth. The night quickly spreads its darkness in the sky and this creature grows stronger in the night.

Mark said, "What happened to her?"

Clark: "Should I tell you now or should we go to the beach?"

The two of them hurried to grab the wooden beds with Antoine and Elizabeth on top of them until they reached the beach. Raymond helped them move Antoine, but Elizabeth had woken up screaming in terror.

"I don't want to die under the feet of the little dinosaur."

Mary hugged her until she calmed down, and the rest quickly placed the wood and branches in a circle relatively far from the wood on which they were sitting. Then they lit the fire. For a few moments, the island became dark on a moonless night, and the anaconda’s angry voice rose.

"Soon you won't be able to start fires. Soon winter will begin and the fires will go out. I will tear your limbs alive, and eat them while I make you watch. There is no mercy, no forgiveness, there is no way to escape."

Marie tried to treat Antoine's wounds, but his body was bleeding violently, and there was nothing she could do to stop the bleeding, so she sat next to his body, feeling helpless, and collapsed crying while repeating...

"He will die. I cannot stop the blood. There is nothing here in this bag that I can use to stop the blood."

Oceane approached Antoine's body and then went to the fruit that Raymond was picking. Fortunately, he was cutting some leaves along with the fruit branch, so Oceane took some leaves and then put them in a small clay pot. She grabbed a tree branch and tried to grind the leaves with some water. Meanwhile, Clarke was getting up. By cleaning the deer and skinning it, then putting part of the meat over the fire. The meat began to shed fat. Ocean went to the stove and then placed the bowl under the fat. Then she took some of the deer’s blood and mixed all the ingredients. Then she approached Antoine, and her brother was removing the leaves from the branches. Alice approached Ocean’s bowl. Then she put part of the marrow of the trunk cut from the hybrid tree, then Osheen placed the mixture on Antoine’s wounds, then she wrapped the leaves and tied them with parts of the fabric that she cut from the brushes used for assembling the wood.

After a short time, Antoine got up, looked at his body, and then said:

“Does my body grow leaves now?”

Everyone laughed and Mary got up and hugged him while saying:

"You're not dead, you idiot."

"I didn't know you were such a fierce fighter," Clark said.

Antoine said in a loud voice as he looked at something at the top after the fire, “That worm cannot kill me or approach my friends. If he does not have friends, it is because he is stupid and will remain alone and no woman will look at him.”

The response came from behind the flames, "Do you think that your friends will try to protect you as you protect them? Are you still convinced that friends are loyal, you idiot? The days are coming between us and I will prove to you that they will all abandon you."

Clark shouted, “You will die at my hands, and this proves that we will not abandon each other.”

Mark said, "Sit down, Clark. He wants to provoke one of you to go to him."

They all sat on the logs, and Elizabeth and Alice distributed the food to them, said Mark

"Begin with you, Antoine. What happened and how did you meet that anaconda?"

Antoine said, “After Alice ran, I noticed that no matter how fast they were, those turtles could increase their speed, so after I ran behind them and got close to them, I carried them, and after we moved a long distance away, we entered the forest, and as you know, these turtles do not enter the forest floor or go down to the forest.” Water. After a while, we were able to collect a lot of logs. Time passed quickly. I felt that the skin of my entire body had become dry and cracking. So when we approached the Red Lake, I told Alice that I needed to go down to the water. She sat next to the logs while I went down to the lake, and I started to feel better. I looked at Alice and found a man standing behind her, strong and tall. I got out of the water quickly when I saw his hand extending to touch Alice’s hair. I don’t know how fast I was, but I was able to catch his hand before it touched her hair.

I was looking into his eyes with a challenge. I will not deny that I felt afraid, but I soon remembered that if I showed my fear, he would hurt Alice, so I told him with anger taking over me,

*Go back in time briefly*

"Don't you touch my friends"

Anaconda “You and them are just a snack for me, as long as you are on my island.”

Antoine said, “We are no one’s food. We will leave your island when the time comes.”

The anaconda pushed Antoine away until Antoine lost his balance and fell. The anaconda quickly attacked Alice, but Antoine jumped and quickly stood up, then pulled her behind his back, and engaged with the anaconda in a struggle, trying to protect Alice. Then he said angrily:

“Run, Alice, go to the beach.”

The anaconda's shape began to change from a human form to a being whose body and head were like a snake's and had two feet and hands, but it leaned in standing on the muscles of its body, and began to move its tail, which resembled a rattlesnake. It stuck out its tongue and tried to spread poison in Antoine's direction, but the speed of Antoine's body enabled him to avoid the poison, and he attacked. Antoine attacked the anaconda and grabbed his head with one hand as a human would hold a snake, and with the other hand he punched the anaconda's face, but the anaconda used his feet and planted them in Antoine's sides, then grabbed Antoine's hand holding his head trying to extract it, and with his other hand he tried to repel Antoine's blows.

Meanwhile, Clark was carrying Elizabeth on his back and dragging the deer with his other hand, heading to the beach, but he heard the sound of Antoine fighting something. He quickly changed his direction and followed Antoine's voice, and when he arrived, Alice was running away, and Antoine was fighting with some being larger than Antoine and with a body between... The human body and the snake's body. He placed Elizabeth on the ground and placed the deer on top of the tree trunk. Then he took out a knife attacked the creature's back, and began striking with the knife. Despite the force of Clark's blows, the knife did not penetrate the skin, but it caused some superficial wounds, and the mutual struggle continued. Between Antoine's attacks and the anaconda's blows all over Antoine's body, causing him many large wounds, he does not care about the one who clings to his back and tries hard to stab him. As soon as Mark appeared, the anaconda shook off Clark and Antoine and pushed them away from him

*Back to earlier time*

Mary said, “Now we can say that that creature can change its shape not only to mimic nature, but it can return to human form, and this means that it is the criminal that they experimented on and used as a human mouse. But why does it take revenge on humans in general, and why does it believe that loyalty between Friends is a lie we deceive ourselves with?

Raymond said, "We must search among the camera recordings for any recording related to him. Also, when we return to the laboratory, we search the records for any information about that criminal."

Mary brought the laptop and said, “I will search through the recordings I downloaded from the main computer.”

Clark said, "No, not now. We have to think first about how to protect ourselves in a place other than here. He said that winter is approaching and we will not be able to light fires, as the rainwater will extinguish them."

Mark said, “Tomorrow we will return to the laboratory and use the stairs down to the first floor where the blood refrigerator is located, and there we will look for a way to secure the place during the period in which we will try to treat Antoine.”

Raymond said, “I will look at the laboratory design maps. There is definitely a safe place, or it was safe, and some defect occurred, and then we will search for a way to solve this defect.”

  Antoine said, “Okay, everyone should sleep now, and I will stay up on guard duty alone. I feel energetic.”

Mary said, “I can’t sleep. I will read those notes by Dr. Joseph and then sleep.”

Clark shouted after he fell asleep on the log, "Mary, sleep and leave the papers now. We still have all tomorrow."

Antoine grabbed the laptop

. And the papers, then he put them next to him and said

"Clarke's right, you should get some rest. We still have time."


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